miner gold




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1·As a result John the miner can exchange his ten ounces of gold for more potatoes and tomatoes.
2·A jaguar killed a gold miner in Guyana in 2009.
3·The maker of Levi's was an unsuccessful gold miner who recognized that the other miners needed more durable pants for their digging activities.
4·Barrick gold, the world's biggest gold miner, and AngloGold Ashanti, the third-largest, have both spent billions unwinding hedges over the past couple of years.
5·An illegal miner USES a rudimentary pulley to descend into a hole dug in search of gold at a makeshift camp for miners near el Callao in Venezuela's southern Bolivar state, on July 15, 2010.
2010年7月15日,在委内瑞拉玻利维亚城南部的El Callao的矿工安置点,一名非法矿工通过简单的滑车进入到为寻找金矿而开凿的地洞中。
6·On July 7th a 29-year-old miner at the Kitaka gold mine in the Kamwenge district of western Uganda was admitted to hospital. He died on July 14th.
7·Shares of the copper and gold miner fell from $57.73 on June 4, 2008, to $12.18 by that Nov. 26.
铜和黄金矿业公司股价下跌,从五十七点七三美元年6月4 2008年,由该12.18美元11月26日。
8·Some say that the Martini was invented during the gold rush period when a miner struck it rich in Martinez, ca and celebrated at a local bar by ordering the house special, a Martini.
9·When John the miner exchanges gold for goods, he is engaged in an exchange of something for something. He is exchanging wealth for wealth.
10·Because in inflation the dollar is devalued, I am a proponent of owning bullion and avoiding gold ETFs, but I do believe gold and gold-miner stocks will provide great returns over the next few years.
更新时间:2025-03-29 04:10